Shakira released a video for the summer track Clandestino, recorded together with singer Maluma. The song premiered in May 2018 and gained popularity very quickly, peaking at number 15 on Billboard's...
Pop star Shakira graces the August 2017 cover of Harper’s Bazaar Mexico. Photographed by Jaume Delaiguana, the blonde beauty wears a bustier top with embellished pumps. Inside the magazine, Shakira serves...
Gordon Brown is the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Shakira Mebarak is an international artist and global education advocate. Both are members of the International Commission on Financing...
Недавно Шакира сделала исключение и дала журналистам эксклюзивное интервью. На этот раз женщина была в приподнятом настроении и поэтому без проблем рассказала подробности своего материнства